
I haven’t been able to eat today. I’ve tried. My brain says eat. But I feel sick. Sick with that dread feeling, when there’s so much spilt milk that you are certain you will never be able to clean it up. There will always be another spot, another drop, another puddle. In the Mormon church,Continue reading “~Review~”


My ex-husband is getting married. In two weeks. I found out about this a week ago. Being formerly LDS, and married in the LDS temple, where “eternal marriage” is considered the most holy of ordinances, I received a letter from the church asking me my feelings about him being “sealed” to another woman. “Hallelujah”, IContinue reading “~So~”

Poly Nirvana

Love, Life and Rational Polyamory

The Gentle Butch

Advice, fierce hugs and love punches from a queer on crutches.

A Polyamorous Love Story

Exploring polyamory and other forms of ethical nonmonogamy


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Living life on the prairie like a fat babe does