
I really don’t get people sometimes. I spent my morning supporting a family through a patient’s death.  All I can really say, is that as a hospice nurse, my perspective is constantly being refocused.  There are big things happening to people, everywhere, all the time, and we don’t even realize it.  Today someone’s father died.  SomeoneContinue reading “~Really~”


One year ago today, I posted my first writing on Poly Nirvana, titled “Perfect Poly”. I actually had written it a year before that, out of frustration with the larger poly community and this feeling of not fitting in anywhere; of not being evolved enough to feel true compersion, or mature enough to not everContinue reading “~Year~”


Over the weekend, Special Man and I were in a Dollar Store picking up party supplies, for a “Day of the Dead” themed event I hosted in my home on Saturday night.  I’m not sure how we got on the subject of compersion, of all things, as we walked down the medicine aisle, but heContinue reading “~Swing~”


Dear Potential Partner (girlfriend, boyfriend, fling, hook-up, or play partner) of Any of My Partners or other Persons Important To Me, Current or Future: When our paths cross, I will shake your hand, and smile and be honestly pleased to meet you.  I am sure that there are lots of good things about you, thingsContinue reading “~Twitch~”

Guest post: Reflections on “perfect poly” by an accidental metamour.

Much love to my Meta, CC, who wrote this, and who should be very proud that she is finding her own way, to her own poly. My husband and I are each two years into our own extramarital relationships, and I still have trouble self-identifying as polyamorous. There are probably people who would place myContinue reading “Guest post: Reflections on “perfect poly” by an accidental metamour.”

~Compersion, Thou Art A Harsh Mistress~

I think compersion is overrated. There. I said it. There’s nothing in the poly world that has the potential to make me feel more inadequate than the concept of compersion. Compersion as defined by Wikipedia (because, you know, it isn’t a word that has even made it into the dictionary, at least as far asContinue reading “~Compersion, Thou Art A Harsh Mistress~”

Poly Nirvana

Love, Life and Rational Polyamory

The Gentle Butch

Advice, fierce hugs and love punches from a queer on crutches.

A Polyamorous Love Story

Exploring polyamory and other forms of ethical nonmonogamy


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Living life on the prairie like a fat babe does