
Oh my. CC’s parents are here in town for Thanksgiving. CC’s siblings are coming tomorrow, they are planning a big dinner with both turkey and lamb, and they are spending most of this week doing family things. I’m not exactly sure what spurred CC and Special Man to decide that this would be a goodContinue reading “~Polite~”


Almost every day since my last post, I’ve had something that I’ve thought, “I should write about this.”  And each day, other things have taken priority.  I should have taken notes. In about twenty-four hours, SM and I are leaving for Ohio.  I am facilitating two classes on Saturday, for a small poly conference.  IContinue reading “~Up~”

Poly Nirvana

Love, Life and Rational Polyamory

The Gentle Butch

Advice, fierce hugs and love punches from a queer on crutches.

A Polyamorous Love Story

Exploring polyamory and other forms of ethical nonmonogamy


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Living life on the prairie like a fat babe does