/poly/not poly/

One of my most pleasurable tasks in school, was diagramming sentences. (What can I say, I was an odd child.) The compound predicates and the gerund phrases. The modifiers and the prepositions. Adverbs. Interjections. Subjects and verbs. Every word, analyzed and mapped out. Organized. Every single word had a place. It was perfect. It wasContinue reading “/poly/not poly/”


I’ve got holiday burnout. (What?  Already?) Yep. I think my enthusiasm tank was running low after Georgia’s surgery, which I haven’t written much about.  There were complications.  She’s fine.  Mostly. Yesterday we had our “official” Christmas dinner.  We did it early. I am working the Christmas holiday this year, which means I work 12 hoursContinue reading “~Hi~”

The elusive orgasm of words.

I am trying to get something out into the universe, and it’s just. Right. There. It won’t come. I get close. There’s a tingle that starts to build. A beautiful, complete, sentence materializes, and I feel a small rush. I wait. But what comes next is a brittle collection of words that sends me backContinue reading “The elusive orgasm of words.”

Poly Nirvana

Love, Life and Rational Polyamory

The Gentle Butch

Advice, fierce hugs and love punches from a queer on crutches.

A Polyamorous Love Story

Exploring polyamory and other forms of ethical nonmonogamy


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Living life on the prairie like a fat babe does