
Wendover, Nevada. Oh my goodness: A thirty eight minute flight on a plane which was filled with excited and chatty senior citizens.  Special Man Friend found a dirt cheap weekend package, and apparently it’s very popular with the over 65 crowd.  It’s been a good giggle. (I know I’m no spring chicken.  But come on!Continue reading “~Flight~”


I’m in the mountains this week.  It’s green and lovely, and I can hear myself think. My main thought last week:  Poly is hard, y’all. This week? Relationships are hard. Special Man and I broke up.  Nothing is ever all good, or all bad.  No person, no relationship.  But poly is especially hard.  Especially whenContinue reading “~Time~”


Dear Potential Partner (girlfriend, boyfriend, fling, hook-up, or play partner) of Any of My Partners or other Persons Important To Me, Current or Future: When our paths cross, I will shake your hand, and smile and be honestly pleased to meet you.  I am sure that there are lots of good things about you, thingsContinue reading “~Twitch~”

~Five Things Your Metamour Wants You To Know~

1) I love the same person you love, though not ever in the same way. Never the same. I cannot quantify love: not mine; not yours; not anyone’s. I understand exquisitely, that when he is with me, he is not with you, and I am grateful that you are willing to gift me a portionContinue reading “~Five Things Your Metamour Wants You To Know~”

~Compersion, Thou Art A Harsh Mistress~

I think compersion is overrated. There. I said it. There’s nothing in the poly world that has the potential to make me feel more inadequate than the concept of compersion. Compersion as defined by Wikipedia (because, you know, it isn’t a word that has even made it into the dictionary, at least as far asContinue reading “~Compersion, Thou Art A Harsh Mistress~”

~Five Things Your Secondary Wants You To Know~

1) My time with you is limited, and valuable to me. I look forward to seeing you and I even count down the days. I like knowing that you see our time as sacred. If you indiscriminately change plans or cancel, it can make me feel disposable and well, second. Secondary doesn’t mean second place.Continue reading “~Five Things Your Secondary Wants You To Know~”

Poly Nirvana

Love, Life and Rational Polyamory

The Gentle Butch

Advice, fierce hugs and love punches from a queer on crutches.

A Polyamorous Love Story

Exploring polyamory and other forms of ethical nonmonogamy


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Living life on the prairie like a fat babe does